Thank you for registering your Maine Craft Weekend 2019 event. MCW staff will add you to the participant list and map on www.MaineCraftWeekend.org in your region & medium shortly. If we have questions or need to charge you a fee we will be in touch.
Full listings, including a spot on the interactive maps, are $25. MCA will send you a Paypal invoice.
In the meantime:
- Start Planning your Event!
- Like and post to our Facebook page and follow us on our dedicated MCW feed. Make a dedicated Facebook event page for your event and promote it to your friends
- Email a promotional image for your web listing to the MCA contact for your region (see below)
- Order Yard Signs to direct traffic to your location during the weekend
- Contact your local Chamber of Commerce, find out how they will help you promote your event. Find your local Chamber.
- Send a press release about your event to your local paper. Cut and paste text from our press release to get started!
- Buy an ad in your local paper. Email Dorothy@MaineCrafts.org for a high-res MCW logo
- Send postcards to your mailing list
- Distribute Posters and Rack Cards around your community. Please email suzzanne@mainecrafts.org to have posters and rackcards mailed directly to your location.
- List your event on the following event Calendars
Feel free to contact an MCA Coordinator with questions or concerns.
Individual Listings Contact:
Emily Shaffer, MCW Coordinator
Featured City Coordinator Contact:
Dorothy Royle, MCA Program Manager