Community Print at Waterfall Arts

What is Community Print? These are 3-hour blocks of time with a studio artist present to give you a chance to start a new printmaking project or finish something you have started. They are held in the Kennedy Press, our state-of the-art printmaking studio where...

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50 plus Maine artists @ Veras Iron + Vine

Veras Iron and vine features 50+ Maine artists and makers. Many items are made right in Wilton at Vera's studio 'Belle Creative arts' Former W.S. Wells fiddlehead cannery Blacksmithing, woodworking, repurposing, fiver Arts, watercolor, Oil paintings, copper and sterling jewelry and so much more....

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Sidewalk Art Festival

Join Downtown Bangor in welcoming over 50 Maine-based artists and vendors, a College Art Tent, live music demonstrations and plenty of food and drink options all on Harlow Street in Downtown Bangor. As the holiday season approaches, take this opportunity to shop for unique...

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