2024 Event Submission

If your event is located within a 2024 Featured City please follow this link to the private Featured City Event Submission Form.
For example: Jewelry Trunk Show @ The Center for Maine Craft
Create a public-facing summary of what visitors can expect from your event. Do not include details that you have already provided on this form - this is a space to describe your event so that it appeals to visitors. Please include start and end times for each day.
This can be your website or a specific link to an event page.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
This image will be displayed with your event listing. Must be at least 1080x1080 pixels and in .jpg or .png format. The Maine Crafts Association may use this image to promote the event.
Current MCA & Maine Made members are eligible for free event listings until August 1. All non-members must pay a $25 event listing fee. To learn more about MCA membership please visit www.mainecrafts.org/membership