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Latest Past Events

Chris Becksvoort Final Open Studio Tour + Sale

C.H.Becksvoort Furniture 186 Durham Rd, New Gloucester

This is my last open studio sale and showroom clearance. Tables, lamps, clocks, music stands, shelves and cabinets will be reduced for two days only. No more orders taken, this will be the last chance to own a Becksvoort original. There will be cider, donuts and cookies. Even a few books (signed) and tools. Also cards and photos form Juniper Ledge Designs. Well worth a trip down a dirt road in New Gloucester.

Chris Becksvoort Open Studio + Showroom Retirement Celebration

Chris Becksvoort Studio 186 Durham Rd, New Gloucester

My studio and showroom will be open to celebrate my retirement. More than a dozen pieces for sale at over half off! Cookies, cider and donuts, plus good conversation and interesting people.

Juniper Ledge Designs, Peg's contribution, will have note cards and photos for sale. Stop by for an entertaining time, Saturday or Sunday. We look forward to seeing friends and customers , both old and new.