Event Series:
Open Studios
Greenwood Furniture Making Demostration @ Village Handcraft, Wiscasset
October 5 @ 11:00 am - October 6 @ 5:00 pm
Join Eric McIntyre – greenwood worker, spoon carver & broom maker – in his downtown storefront workshop to see the delight of simple hand tools in action. He’ll be demonstrating the craft of greenwood furniture making throughout the weekend in his shop, Village Handcraft. Starting with a storm-fallen ash tree from just a couple hundred feet from the shop, Eric will use wedges, axes, drawknives and more to split parts from the log, shape them with hand tools, and join them into a beautiful, functional seat. Stop by 11am-5pm Saturday or Sunday to see where he is at in the process, ask questions about the work, or peruse the other goods he makes right there in the store.